If I die, would you cry?
Would you sit there and ask yourself why?
Would you say it's such a waste?
But if you looked at me!
There's something you didn't see
Didn't you realize?
Every time you had looked into my eyes
I had already died a thousand times inside me
You couldn't see as you never looked at me
You never heard a single word I said
You never saw my tears
Even after all these years
You didn't see my scars
You didn't feel my heart
You didn't hear my screams
You didn't gather the death of my dreams
I was just an empty shell
And yet you couldn't tell
There was nothing left
Only I was left
But it's too late
You already carved my fate.
So, as I long for death
As I await my final breath
Don't cry
Don't ask yourself why
Just like my dreams turn into ashes
So will I