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How to Self-Publish

Mohd Abdullah Alam

Every time we plan to write our first book, publishing questions makes us start it later. Be it queries related to self-publishing, getting an ISBN registered, or issuing the copyrights, we have got you all covered. Get a detailed guide on how to self-publish your creativity by following the steps ahead.

1. Contact a self-publisher

There are some good self-publishers in the country, the most renowned ones include Notion Press, Partridge Publishing, Blue Rose. Kindle Direct Publishing(KDP) is another good option except for the cons discussed later. Just go on their website and you will be guided through every step of self-publishing. KDP is a free publishing platform while most other self-publishers charge a nominal fee which depends on the services offered.

KDP is one of the best options to go with. It offers free publishing, good market reach through Kindle and royalty is at par too. But the issue comes with the high shipping cost of paperbacks as they are printed in and imported from The United States. On the other hand, self-publishers in India would help you minimize those shipping costs with almost all other features of KDP.

In free publishing, you have to do everything on your own. But when you take a publishing plan, usually, the publisher’s work includes designing the book cover, proofreading the content, adjusting fonts, and creatively structuring the book. While they will guide you through pricing and distribution but that majorly comes under your role. Royalties are commonly set at 70% of the profit made.

2. Get the copyrights

Protecting your work becomes important in this digital era. Your hard work can be easily copied and published alongside if not being protected by copyright. Moreover, copyright ensures additional legal cover for suing for damages on infringement of a published book. Here are the steps to copyright your book in India:-

Step 1: Make an online application for the copyright of your book on the Indian Copyright Office, it will charge a fee of INR 500.

Step 2: Submit an identity proof, information sheet containing details of your work, and final copy of the book.

Step 3: A diary number will be issued to track your application which will be finally registered by a registrar.

Once the copyright is registered, you can include the notice of it in your book.


To facilitate sell of your paperbacks, you need to get an ISBN. You can still sell ebooks on Amazon without an ISBN, but getting one would help libraries, bookstores, online retailers, distributors, and wholesalers to track purchases and sales. Find the steps below to get the number in India:-

Step 1: After publishing the book, apply to Decide and finalize the fonts, margins, cover page, pricing, everything.

Step 2: Fill in the application form with all the details.

Step 3: Enclose it in an envelope and send it to their mentioned address.

You will be communicated shortly after the application is received.

That’s all for this article, I hope it was able to help you resolve some of the concerns that naturally come when thinking about self-publishing. Stay tuned!

(Originally published on ScriveTribe)

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